Saturday, October 29, 2016

My Favorite Resources

Since Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month is coming to an end, I thought I would share some of my favorite resources.  Culturally, we are terribly ill-equipped in this department.  I didn’t know of a s i n g l e thing after my first loss and nothing was ever recommended to me until much, much later.  Everything that I happened to find was from Googling.  Please pass these resources along to someone in need (I can almost guarantee that someone you know is experiencing or has experienced loss) or peruse these resources for yourself to become more educated and consider donating or getting involved.

I can’t say enough about Hope Mommies.  They have a blog, conduct Bible studies, yearly retreats, send out hope boxes, and offer lots and lots of support.

This is a local Austin organization that supplies comfort boxes.  I had the pleasure of meeting the founder and her sister last year at an Oct. 15th remembrance celebration in San Antonio.  She is absolutely wonderful.

This is just a good place to go for comfort.  They have a blog and a place where you can write a message to your baby.

This is a great question and answer site.

This is an online magazine with lots of good stuff.

This is a new favorite.  I love their mission of clothing bereaved mothers.  Please check them out!

Laurel Box provides beautiful customizable gift baskets for different occasions of loss.

‘Bringing Empty Arms Reprieve.’  They send you a free teddy bear.  I love this so much because being able to hold something close to my chest helped me.

You may have seen some of Dr. Jessica Zucker’s items advertised before.

10) Etsy
You could easily spend hours on Etsy.  Simply search for “miscarriage” or something along those lines.  One store you might find is this one.  You will also see me wearing this necklace more days than not.

Don’t watch this unless you are ready to cry.  I don’t care who you are…you will cry.

To be honest, I didn’t go out and buy books about grieving and loss.  I have heard of some fantastic ones but I didn’t want to recommend any that I hadn’t personally read.  This is the only one I have read.

This is a letter writing ministry that I wish I knew about back when our losses were still new.

The Church of the Holy Innocents is in New York City.  This what they have to say:
“Often children who have died before birth have no grave or headstone, and sometimes not even a name. At The Church of The Holy Innocents, we invite you to name your child(ren) and to have the opportunity to have your baby's name inscribed in our "BOOK OF LIFE". Here, a candle is always lit in their memory. All day long people stop to pray. On the first Monday of every month, our 12:15pm Mass is celebrated in honor of these children and for the comfort of their families.
You bet my kids’ names are included!

You’ll find lots including information about walks, balloon releases, and various remembrance activities in your area.

They send out comfort kits and are committed to educating the public.

They send out heart shaped pillows with the baby’s name embroidered.  They even personalize the weight of the pillow to the baby’s weight.  You bet I have 2 of these!
*Update: I just saw that they have had to close due to illnesses but their Facebook group will remain open.

A special site started by a social work therapist who spent years counseling people through loss and then experienced her own.

This is a Facebook Christian support group that I am apart of and love.

This is a neat site that even has a live chat available.

This site has a sweet little shop of memorial keepsakes.

This is a documentary that is currently in post-production.  It is seeking to “explore the culture of shame and silence surrounding miscarriage, stillbirth and infertility.”  I have high hopes for this.

Last but certainly not least is my newest discovery.  It’s another story of someone turning their pain into something so, so special.  She will paint your child’s name with watercolor and send it to you.  I’m currently waiting for mine to arrive!

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